Friday, January 13, 2012

Balanced Marketing in Bad Times

It's 2012, and it's still rough out there in the Carolinas real estate market.  Some realtors seem to be at least static, if not growing, but others are really struggling.  One realtor told me recently that they had only one listing.  One builder told me that they had started only one house in the last several months.  Now sure, there's some style, work ethic and hustle issues, as well as simple skill, that can separate people within a given profession.   For those with fewer listings than others, I wonder where the right amount of marketing investment lies.

You bet I've got a horse in this race.  Realtors and Builders that are reluctant to spend marketing dollars don't buy photography.  On the other hand, wouldn't some level of marketing investment (photography or not) help sell what little they do have? 

Everybody's got their own issues and must make decisions that are right for them.  Still, when I hear that "things are very slow" or "I've only got one listing" or "My listings are not expensive enough for professional photography", three things fill my mind: 
1) Wouldn't aggressive marketing be a better strategy than passive (or no) marketing?
2) These people are SO underestimating what great photographs can do, even to mediocre properties, and
3)  How much do they think I charge anyway?  (my price list is open for all, and my wife assures me I'm not charging near enough)

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