Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Appropriately Persistent

Everybody who's job it is to sell a service to a client by persuading the client of your value runs into the question of how much follow-up, networking, checking-in etc. is the right amount.  At some level, follow-up by phone or email is perceived as "appropriately persistent" and is generally welcomed by potential clients.  They like your energy, your enthusiasm and your willingness to stay engaged and not give up.  Those are qualities that clients want in service providers (after the deal is done and you're actually working for the client). 

This is an issue not just for photographers, but for realtors, builders, bankers, lawyers and Indian chiefs, as well as anybody else where the world doesn't beat a path to your door.

However, there is a level at which "INappropriate" persistence can be reached.  Now, the client sees you as a yapping puppy dog and a pain in the (pick a place).  The problem is that what is accepted as appropriate is different for different clients.  In order to feel good that you're going far enough, you have to go too far on occasion, at least in my experience.  Perhaps those blessed with exceptional intuitive insight to the human condition can read situations better and faster than I. 

It's true that being too pushy CAN cost you business.  But being too passive WILL cost you business.  I suppose everyone's got to find their own way through this marketing morass.  Paying close attention to all the cues clients give you will help find the right place to be -- but you've got to listen at least as much as you talk.  Like most things, it's all about balance.

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